
Various Professionals, UCS, Re: Sound Effects Capstone Project | WuCreamTruck Mobile App!

On 9/11/21, after locating a directory of email addresses (online here), for assistance developing cool sound effects for our app, we reached out to the following people at Thornton at University of Southern California (USC) via email:

Jae Deal
Music Technology

Charles Gutierrez
Music Technology

Sean Holt
Popular Music, Music Technology

Brian Malouf
Music Technology, Music Industry

Who also has a really cool website HERE where we completed a web form in an attempt to contact Brian.

Richard Mcllvery
Music Industry, Music Technology

Timo Preece
Music Technology

Who also has a really cool website HERE where we completed a web form in an attempt to contact Timo.

Rick Schmunk
Music Technology, Popular Music

Michael “Smidi” Smith
Music Technology

We will update this post as we learn more! 😉