
Jessica Utter, GCTC, Re: Capstone Project | WuCreamTruck Mobile App!

On 9/9/21, after locating a directory of email addresses (online here), for assistance developing our app, we reached out to various people at the Francistuttle Technology CenterEocTech, and Gordon Cooper Technology Center via email. Our blog entry about this may be located HERE.

We branched off from that page because Jessica Utter, an instructor with Gordon Cooper Technology Center,  responded to our email saying she believes she has a student that may want to assist us in developing our ice cream truck app as their capstone project for school!

Needless to say, on 9/9/21, we responded to Jessica and let her know that we look forward to when a student accepts our project.

Currently, we are waiting for a reply and will update this page with further as soon as we know more! 🙂 😉